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Support Karla Icaza for Cumberland County Commissioner, District 2

Resilent Leadership, Dedicated Service

Karla Icaza for County Commissioner, District 2.

Note From Karla

Hello, I’m Karla Icaza, I am a committed advocate for the community and a dedicated candidate for Cumberland County's future. My journey is marked by a blend of service, education, and a steadfast commitment to improving the lives of our residents. As President of Latinos United For Progress, I have successfully championed inclusive dialogue and community engagement with State Legislature. My professional background in various roles, including Suicide Prevention at the Fayetteville Veterans Affairs Medical Center and grassroots organization with Democracy North Carolina, has equipped me with a deep understanding of the diverse needs of our community. Holding a Bachelor's Degree in Science with a minor in Psychology from Campbell University, and nearly completing my Master’s in Social Work Mental Health, I bring a holistic perspective to the challenges facing our county.

My experience as an Army Medic instilled in me the values of discipline, teamwork, and leadership. I plan to utilize these skills to foster a cohesive and effective Cumberland County Commissioners board.

I am committed to enhancing collaboration, not only within the board but also with other key entities in our county, including municipalities, the School Board, and the Public Works Commission. Building strong, cooperative relationships with these groups is crucial for supporting growth, especially in rural areas, and ensuring a unified approach to county-wide challenges.

A key priority is economic development. I am dedicated to attracting jobs that offer more than just a living wage, focusing on opportunities that enable residents to support their families and build for the future. Improving our county's Tier 1 status by attracting sustainable industries is essential for our economic growth. I am also deeply invested in public education, advocating for our teachers and children to ensure our schools are adequately funded and supported.

Karla Icaza

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Support Karla Icaza for Cumberland County Commissioner, District 2

Volunteer Leader effective is key to success. Team Charity group of people giving thump up hands together. Volunteer Spirit Team Members.  Volunteer Leader Concept.

You Can help

Karla can't win this race without your help. Canvassing, word-of-mouth, and donating are all ways of helping us achieve our goals together.

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Paid for by the Committee to Elect Karla ICAZA